Schedule of Assessments/Activities
The following is a listing of all JROTC homework assignments and the dates they are/were due (AS = Aerospace Science and LE = Leadership Education):
21 DEC 24 - Winter Break begins.
17 DEC 24 - Semester Finals begin.
5 DEC 24 - Commander's Call. Parents please be in place by 0930.
11 NOV 24 - Veteran's Day Parade. Be at school by 0800.
8 NOV 24 - Last day to pay for L.A. Field Trip.
16 OCT 24 - Rocket Club begins after school.
8 OCT 24 - DINING IN. All 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-Years - mandatory formation. Uniform wear for this week.
10/11 OCT 24 - Study for Promotion Test.
16 SEP 24 - Staff Development Day. No school.
2 SEP 24 - Labor Day. No school.
26 AUG 24 - If you were selected to be on Color Guard, Armed Drill Team, or
Unarmed Drill Team by the instructors, print out this form, get your
parent/guardian to sign it, and return it to the instructors today.
22/23 AUG 24 - Teams tryouts! Plan to attend both days from 1430 until 1600 to
be selected for Color Guard, Armed Drill team or Unarmed Drill
22/23 AUG 24 - Paperwork due today. Please complete all of the forms on your
checklist and turn them by today.
12 AUG 24 - Welcome back!