CLC Alternative Program
Cadets not attending CLC or other approved summer leadership program must complete 40 hours of community service in order to be promoted beyond MSgt and/or hold a leadership position next year. The hours of service must be accomplished during the months of June, July, August, and/or September with one of the organizations listed on our web site, or at another location pre-approved by Capt Doughty or MSgt Chatman. To receive approval after school is out, contact Capt Doughty through the Staff section of the web site. This is community service and you “MUST NOT” be paid for your hours worked.
The 40 hours worked must be documented and verified by the organization supervisor using the sample letter below on organizational letterhead. The letter must be completed and turned in to MSgt Chatman before September 16. Cadets are also required to successfully (85%) drill a flight using the drill sequence provided. The individual drill evaluations must be completed by the last class period before second semester finals. SAMPLE LETTER DATE: FROM: TO: Palo Verde H. S. AFJROTC 333 Pavilion Center Drive Las Vegas, NV 89144 SUBJECT: Community Service I, the undersigned, hereby verify that cadet ________________________________ has completed _______ hours of community service without pay. The hours were donated to the ___________________________ [organization or program]. The work was completed during the months of June, July, August, and/or September. Signature:_________________ Name: ___________________ Title: ____________________ Phone number: ____________ |