Drill & Ceremonies - Formation of the Flight
Formation of the Flight:
1. A flight forms in at least two, but not more than four, elements in line formation (Figure 4.1). The command is FALL IN. 2. On this command, the guide takes a position facing the flight commander and to the flight commander’s left so the first element will fall in centered on and three paces from the flight commander. Once halted at the position of attention, the guide performs an automatic dress right dress. When the guide feels the presence of the first element leader on his or her fingertips, the guide executes an automatic ready front. Once positioned, the guide does not move. 3. The first element leader falls in directly to the left of the guide and, once halted, executes an automatic dress right dress. The second, third, and fourth element leaders fall in behind the first element leader, execute an automatic dress right dress, visually establish a 40-inch distance, and align themselves directly behind the individual in front of them. The remaining cadets fall into any open position to the left of the element leaders and execute an automatic dress right dress to establish dress and cover. 4. To establish interval, the leading individual in each file obtains exact shoulder-to-fingertip contact with the individual to his or her immediate right (Figure 4.2). As soon as dress, cover, interval, and distance are established, each cadet executes an automatic ready front on an individual basis and remains at the position of attention. 5. Once it is formed, the flight will be squared off prior to sizing. The left flank of the formation will be squared off with extra cadets filling in from the fourth to the first element. For example, if there is one extra cadet, he or she will be positioned in the fourth element; if there are two extra cadets, one will be positioned in the third element and one will be positioned in the fourth element; and so forth. The flight sergeant will occupy the last position in the fourth element. 6. To size the flight, the flight commander faces the flight to the right (from line to column formation) and has taller personnel (except the guide, element leaders, and flight sergeant) move to the front of the flight according to height. The flight commander then faces the flight to the right (from column to inverted line formation) and again has taller personnel (except the flight sergeant) move to the front of the flight according to height. The flight commander faces the flight back to the left (column formation) and continues this procedure until all members are properly sized. 7. Each member of the flight has a number except the guide. Numbering of individual members of a flight is from right to left (when in line formation) and from front to rear (when in column formation). The element leader is always number one (Figure 4.3). 8. To form at close interval, the command is At Close Interval, FALL IN. On the commandFALL IN, the movement is executed as prescribed in the paragraphs above except close interval is observed (Figure 4.4). The only commands that may be given while the flight is in this formation are At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS; Ready, FRONT; AT EASE; ATTENTION; FALL OUT; and DISMISSED. 9. The flight is usually formed and dismissed by the flight commander or flight sergeant. On the command DISMISSED, cadets break ranks and leave the area. |