Drill & Ceremonies - Aligning the Flight
Aligning the Flight:
1. Dress Right (Left) Dress (Line/Inverted Line Formation): 1.1. Normal Interval. The commands are Dress Right, DRESS and Ready, FRONT. On the command DRESS, everyone except the last cadet in each element raises and extends the left arm laterally from the shoulder with snap so the arm is parallel with the ground. As the arm is raised, uncup the hand at approximately waist level, keeping the palm down. Extend and join the fingers and place the thumb along the forefinger. At the same time as the left arm is raised, each individual (except the guide and second, third, and fourth element leaders) turns head and eyes 45 degrees to the right with snap. The leading individual of each file establishes normal interval (by taking small choppy steps and aligning with the base file) and establishes exact shoulder-to-fingertip contact with the individual to the immediate right. The second, third, and fourth element leaders align themselves directly behind the person in front of them (using small choppy steps) and visually establish a 40-inch distance. As the remaining members align themselves behind the individual in front of or to the right of them, their shoulders may or may not touch the fingertips of the individual to their right. If the arm is too long, place the extended hand behind the shoulder of the individual to the left. If the arm is too short, leave it extended toward the individual to the left and parallel to the ground. Once dress, cover, interval, and distance have been established, the command Ready, FRONT will be given. On this command, cadets whose arms are up will lower their arms with snap to their sides (without slapping their sides) and recup their hands when their arm is at approximately waist level. As the arm is lowered, cadets whose heads are turned will return their heads to the front with snap. The body is now back to the position of attention. 1.2. Close Interval. The command is At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS. On this command, all cadets except the last one in each element will raise their left hand so the heel of the hand rests on the left hip, fingers are extended and joined, thumb is along the forefinger, fingertips point toward the ground, and the elbow in line with the body (Figure 4.4.). At the same time the left hand is raised, all cadets except the guide and second, third, and fourth element leaders will turn their head and eyes 45 degrees to the right. First element cadets establish the interval by ensuring their upper right arm touches the extended elbow of the individual to their right. The same procedures used to establish dress, cover, interval, and distance for normal interval will be used for close interval. At Close Interval, Dress Right (Left), DRESS is not given to a flight at normal interval, and Dress Right (Left), DRESS is not given to a flight at close interval. 1.3. Dress Left Dress. When giving the command Dress Left, DRESS or At Close Interval,Dress Left, DRESS, use the procedures for dress right dress except the flight must be in inverted line formation, the right arm/hand raised, and the head turned left. 1.4. Alignment Procedures. Moving by the most direct route, the flight commander takes the position on the flank of the flight toward which the dress is made, one pace from and in prolongation of the front rank, and faces down the line. From this position, the flight commander verifies the alignment of the front rank. If necessary, individuals are called to move forward or backward by name or number. Military bearing is maintained and, instead of weaving from side to side, short sidesteps are taken to verify alignment. The flight commander then faces to the left (right) in marching, halts on the propagation of each succeeding rank, executes right (left) face, and aligns the rank. After verifying the alignment of the ranks, the flight commander faces to the right (left) in marching, moves three paces beyond the front rank, faces to the left (right), and commands Ready, FRONT. Executing a minimum of movements, the flight commander takes the normal position by the most direct route in front of the flight. 2. Cover: 2.1. Column Formation. To align the flight in column, the command is COVER. On this command, everyone except the guide adjusts by taking small choppy steps if needed and establishes dress, cover, interval, and distance. The leading individual of each file (excluding the base file) obtains the proper interval (normal or close). The base file establishes and maintains a 40-inch distance. All others align themselves beside the individual to their right and behind the individual in front of them. 2.2. Inverted Column Formation. The same command and procedures used to reestablish dress, cover, interval, and distance while in column formation are used in inverted column. The exception to this is that the leading individual of the base element does not move and everyone else establishes dress, cover, interval, and distance based on this individual. 3. Open Ranks: 3.1. The command is Open Ranks, MARCH. It is only given to a formation when in line at normal interval. On the command MARCH, the fourth rank stands fast and automatically executes dress right dress at normal interval. Each succeeding rank in front of the fourth rank takes the required numbered of paces, stepping off with the left foot and a coordinated armswing, halts, and automatically executes dress right dress. The third rank takes one pace forward, the second rank takes two paces forward, and the first rank takes three paces forward. Once halted, the distance between ranks will be 70 inches. 3.2. The flight commander proceeds and aligns the flight. Once the flight is aligned, the flight commander commands Ready, FRONT. If the flight is to be inspected, the flight commander takes one step forward and faces to the right in a position in front of the guide. 3.3. The flight commander salutes and reports to the inspector Sir (Ma’am), _______Flight is prepared for inspection. As soon as the flight commander has been inspected, he or she is asked to accompany the inspector. The flight commander then executes a left face (down line) and commands Second, Third, and Fourth Elements, Parade, REST. The flight commander executes a half left in marching without arm swing and halts one pace to the right and one pace to the rear of the inspector. (This causes the flight commander to precede the inspector.) This position is maintained throughout the inspection of the front of each respective rank. When moving from individual to individual during the inspection, the inspector and flight commander simultaneously execute a face to the right in marching and an inplace halt. 3.3.1. The movement is executed by pivoting 90 degrees to the right on the ball of the right foot, simultaneously stepping over the right foot with the left foot and placing the left foot parallel to the rank being inspected. Then advance one short step with the right foot, and place the right foot pointed toward the flight. Next bring the left heel into the right heel, and once again reassume the position of attention. The upper portion of the body remains at the position of attention, and the arm swing is suspended throughout when inspecting the front of each rank. 3.4. These movements should place the inspector directly in front of the next individual to be inspected, still preceded by the flight commander. After the inspector has inspected the last individual in the front rank, the flight commander hesitates momentarily and allows the inspector to precede him or her as the inspector inspects the front rank from the rear. Normally, during the inspection of the rear of each rank, the flight commander follows the inspector approximately two paces to the rear, halting when the inspector halts. After inspecting the rear of each rank, the flight commander halts in front of the second person of each rank and faces to the right at the same time as the inspector halts in front of the first person. (These procedures are used to inspect the front and rear of subsequent ranks.) 3.5. When the inspection party finishes inspecting the first element and before the inspector halts in front of the first person of the second element, the second element leader assumes the position of attention. The element leader turns his or her head approximately 45 degrees down line and commands Second Element, ATTENTION. When the first element leader can see the inspector out of the corner of his or her eye, the element leader turns his or her head down line and commands First Element, Parade, REST. This procedure is repeated throughout the remaining elements. 3.6. After inspecting the entire flight, the inspector marches off to the right flank (element leaders) of the flight. The flight commander proceeds directly to a position three paces beyond the front rank, halts, faces to the left (down line), and commands Flight, ATTENTION. The flight commander then takes one step forward with arm swing and faces to the right. The inspector marches to a position directly in front of the flight commander and gives comments. After receiving comments, the flight commander salutes the inspector upon departure. The inspector executes the appropriate facing movement to depart. Before giving further commands, the flight commander faces left (down line) and commands Close Ranks, MARCH, gives parade rest, at ease, or rest (whichever is appropriate), and posts in front of and centered on the flight. 3.7. Close Ranks. To close ranks when at open ranks, the command is Close Ranks, MARCH. On the command MARCH, the first rank stands fast. The second rank takes one pace forward with coordinated arm swing and halts at the position of attention. The third and fourth ranks take two and three paces forward, respectively, and halt at attention. 4. Count Off. 4.1. For drill purposes, count off is executed only from right to left in line and from front to rear in column or mass. Flight commanders and guides do not count off in line, column, or mass. 4.2. In Line. The command is Count, OFF. On the command OFF, all cadets, except the guide and element leaders, turn their head and eyes 45 degrees to the right, and the element leaders call out ONE in a normal tone of voice. After the element leaders call out ONE, cadets in the next file turn their heads and eyes in unison to the front and call out TWO. This procedure continues in quick time until all files, full or partial, are numbered. All movements are made in a precise manner with snap. 4.3. In Column. The command is Count, OFF. On the command OFF, the element leaders turn their heads 45 degrees to the right and in unison call out ONE over their right shoulder in a normal tone of voice. Once the number is sounded, the element leaders turn their heads back to the front as shown in Figure 4.5. Once the heads of the individuals of the previous rank are turned back to the front, individuals in the next rank turn their heads 45 degrees to the right and call out the subsequent number. This procedure continues in quick time until all ranks (full or partial) have been numbered. Except when calling out their number, individuals remain at the position of attention. |