Drill & Ceremonies - Facing Movements
Facing Movements. Execute facing movements from a halt, at the
position of attention, and in the cadence of quick time. Perform facing
movements in two counts.
1. Right (Left) Face. The commands are Right (Left), FACE. On the command FACE, raise the right (left) toe and left (right) heel slightly and pivot 90 degrees to the right (left) on the ball of the left (right) foot and the heel of the right (left) foot, assisted by slight pressure on the ball of the left (right) foot. Keep legs straight, but not stiff. The upper portion of the body remains at attention. This completes count one of the movement. Next, bring the left (right) foot smartly forward, ensuring heels are together and on line. Feet should now be forming a 45-degree angle, which means the position of attention has been resumed (Figure 3.3). This completes count two of the movement. 2. About Face. The command is About, FACE. On the command FACE, lift the right foot from the hip just enough to clear the ground. Without bending the knees, place the ball of the right foot approximately half a shoe length behind and slightly to the left of the heel. Distribute the weight of the body on the ball of the right foot and the heel of the left foot. Keep both legs straight, but not stiff. The position of the foot has not changed. This completes count one of the movement. Keeping the upper portion of the body at the position of attention, pivot 180 degrees to the right on the ball of the right foot and heel of the left foot, with a twisting motion from the hips. Suspend arm swing during the movement, and remain as though at attention. On completion of the pivot, heels should be together and on line and feet should form a 45-degree angle. The entire body is now at the position of attention (Figure 3.4). This completes count two of the movement. 3. Half Right (Left) Face. When instructions are given for 45-degree movements, the command Half Right (Left), FACE may be used. The procedures described in paragraph 1. are used except each person executes the movement by facing 45 degrees to the right or left. |